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Mum-of-two gets candid about her post-partum body

For most women, your body changes in a lot of ways during pregnancy and snapping back doesn’t just happen. 
Bounce-back culture has become a huge part of postpartum stress for a lot of new mums and it’s something that mum-of-two Katie addressed in a candid post online. 
The influencer recently welcomed her second bub and admitted she’s been struggling with her body image during this ‘triggering’ time of her motherhood journey. 
Watch the video above. 
“It’s time to talk about bounce-back culture,” she started the clip. 
“You know, the idea that you pop out a baby and then poof miraculously you turn into your pre-pregnancy self.” 
Katie joked that if she had a dollar for every time she saw a video about losing baby weight she’d be rolling in as much cash as Taylor Swift. 
“It is wild to me and truthfully very sad that in this postpartum period our minds are so concerned with what size we are and what we look like. And trust me, I’m guilty of it too,” she continued. 
Katie recently stepped on the scales for the first time since giving birth and she’s “about 20 pounds over” her comfortable weight. 
“I say comfortable because this is not the weight where I feel the tiniest, it’s the weight where my body just feels like it’s in its happy place,” she said. 
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She explained that over the last couple of years she’s done a lot of work to practice body neutrality and intuitive eating and “unlearn the crazy dieting culture we were taught when we were younger.”
“But oh my gosh, why is this time so triggering?” she said. 
“When am I going to bounce back? Bounce back where? I am a new person. My role has grown as a mother and yes maybe my body has grown too. 
“Do I feel entirely comfortable in my body now? Not at all but this is a time of total change and truthfully survival so I want to concentrate on my heart and my mind and finding a new normal in this wild journey. 
“Eventually I’ll get to a time where I feel comfortable, but you will not find her bouncing back, you will find her going forward.” 
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In the caption of the post Katie explained that she’s trying to work harder on giving her body extra grace this time around postpartum. 
“I am so thankful for all my body has done for me: she grew a life, she is feeding my baby, I am so so thankful for her,” she wrote. 
“Anybody else struggling with their body image too?” 
The comments were full of messages from other mums who have felt the same pressure and thanked her for sharing such a raw video bout it. 
“Love this! 1 month pp and learning to be okay with the weight,” wrote one mum. 
Another replied, “I love that you’re sharing this. And I can totally relate.” 
“Yessss mama! Forget the bounce back culture! You are doing incredible things,” commented one woman.
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